Zeolite is a natural mineral formed by a porous structure of aluminosilicates that can contain several exchangeable cations, such as calcium, sodium, potassium and magnesium.


Some of its benefits are:

  • Nutrient retention and release: The porous structure of zeolite has a high capacity to retain nutrients, especially cations such as ammonium and potassium. These nutrients are released gradually as plants need them, which helps optimize their uptake and reduces leaching.
  • Improved water holding capacity: Zeolite acts like a sponge in the soil, absorbing and retaining water. This helps to improve the water holding capacity of the soil, resulting in better water availability for plants during periods of drought and reducing water stress.
  • Soil pH stabilization: Zeolite has the ability to stabilize soil pH, keeping it in an optimal range for plant growth. This is especially beneficial in acidic or alkaline soils, where zeolite can help balance and neutralize the pH.
  • Improved soil structure: Zeolite can improve soil structure by acting as a binding agent, adding stability to sandy soils and improving water and nutrient holding capacity in clay soils.
  • Reduction of soil erosion: By improving soil structure and increasing its water holding capacity, zeolite also helps reduce soil erosion caused by wind and water.



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